The new short story collection Unconquered is available today on Amazon!
It places four Pax Imperium short stories in the same volume and makes them available in paperback for the first time. Unconquered, combines Brody: Hope Unconquered, He Dug the Grave Himself, Taylor’s Watch, and adds a new short story Rena’s Song.
Rena’s Song tells the story of the relationship between Rena and Bertrand Langsam. Here is the description.
For Rena Langsam, desperation grew slowly. Technological progress can’t stop Rena and her husband Bertie from making the necessary decisions of life. Compromises pile up until Rena no longer recognizes who she once set out to become. Can contentment be found when each day demands we lose ourselves a little more? Or is authenticity required for a life well lived?
All four stories relate in some way to The Far Bank of the Rubicon, Rena and Bertie appear briefly there along with other characters from these shorts.
I hope you enjoy it! Amazon reviews are always appreciated.
Sweet….just keep the good works coming!!!