David Bruns is a fellow speculative fiction author who recently left the tech field to write full time. Before his career in tech, he graduated from Annapolis and spent six years as a submariner in the United States Navy. So when David wrote me and said that he had written a review of Aetna Adrift, I sat up and took notice. When he gave it five stars on both Goodreads and Amazon I pleased to say the least. I will take it as a sign that at least something of my handwavium, obfuscation and pure technodrivel passed muster.
Here is a quote from his review on his website.
Wecks does a couple of things really well in Aetna. For starters, he has done some fabulous world, er, universe-building, laying the groundwork for a lifetime of novels on both sides of the conflict. Especially appreciated were the neato, sci-fi details, like fishing with submarines on a planet covered with ice, life aboard a Unity orbiter and futuristic medical technology.
Woohoo! If you want to read his full review you can find it here. While you’re there sign up for his mailing list and pick up a short story of his for free.